Works in Tourist parador at Chiapas with 70% advance


Trinitaria, Chis. Mexico, Jun. 24 (Notimex) .- The Tourism Parador “Lago internacional”, located at the National Park “Lagunas de Montebello” in the Ejido Tziscao, has been rehabilitated in more than 70%.

In a statement, the state government announced that for the work in the ecotourism center, more than 9 million pesos were invested, with the aim of giving prominence to one of the most important national natural sites.

The working group Lago de Tziscao, consisting of 16 women, in coordination with the Cooperative Society Mame Tziscao, formed by 175 people are the direct beneficiaries of this work, which will be in charge of the operation of this space and will benefit around 562 thousand inhabitants of the place.

A restaurant for 56 diners, a kitchen, a cellar, establishments for sale of handicrafts, health services modules, outdoor areas, parking, two viewpoints, a stone bridge, floating docks, plus electrification will be within the new infrastructure of this center.

Also, visitors will find adventure activities and nautical equipment such as kayaks, life savers vests, paddles, among others.