
Do You knowChiapas?

In this map we present the locations that have Hotels in Chiapas

Destinations withHotels in Chiapas

Hotels in Tuxtla Gutiérrez
Tuxtla Gutiérrez
Hotels in San Cristóbal de las Casas
San Cristóbal de las Casas
Hotels in Comitán
Hotels in Tapachula
Hotels in Palenque
Hotels in Chiapa de Corzo
Chiapa de Corzo
Hotels in Ocosingo
Hotels in Pijijiapan

Advantages of Booking withTurista Chiapas

Prices and Discounts

We monitor offers, search and compare prices provided by 70 hotel reservation services.

No hidden fees

Turista operates with and shows the final price of the room. No additional taxes or hidden fees.


All reservation services are thoroughly inspected by our Security Department.

Our hotel search is better thansearch on a single hotel site.

We compare the prices of the rooms of 70 different services of hotel reservations, allowing you to choose the offers with the best rates

  1. The price of the same room may vary depending on the website that you use Price comparison allows you to find the best offer. Also, sometimes the same room may have a different availability status on another system; what you allows you to choose the cheapest offers
  2. We search both the largest booking websites and small local systems. Small hotels often relatives are not listed on the big booking websites.
  3. We collect feedback from multiple booking systems from hotels, making Tourist Ratings more precise.

Hotels in Turista Chiapas

Shown 8 Destinations with Hotels in Chiapas
We have 683 hotels registered in the Turista Chiapas